Pinterest Meal Planning

Hi there!

This is my first blog post! In fact, I got this up and running this morning because it was too long for Facebook. I want to share how I meal plan with Pinterest. Lots of us use Pinterest but what do we USE it for? It is a really great tool! I have used it as a visual journal (easy to make a board private), shopping lists, vacation planning (easy to add contributors!), to-do lists, and meal planning!! However, before there were board sections it was kind of a mess! Now it is so much better :-)

Here is my method and some tips:

Step 1: Make a board called MEAL PLAN (or something like that)

Step 2: Section this board into the days of the week as well as breakfast options, lunch options, snacks, or whatever other things you might need AND one more called NEXT WEEK.

** I know this isn't groundbreaking stuff here but this way when you are just going through your feed or blogs for fun you can pin things you want to make in the future to your NEXT WEEK section. Then you meal plan from all the interesting things you found in your fun time as well as your cookbook board (No cook book board??S See below!) **

Step 3: Once you make the recipe, if it is a keeper then you just file it with any notes you have into your COOKBOOK board. If you don't have a board for your favorites, go make one!! Just make a board for all of your go to recipes and make sections such as: Cheap Dinners, One pot meals, Instantpot, Cookies, Bread, Pasta, Date night in, etc.

Step 4: Once you have made your plan, make your grocery list.

  • If you have regular recipes you make on a weekly basis that you do not need a recipe for just take a picture next time you make it and pin it into a section in your cookbook board. (This way even if you don't have a recipe, you know to write those ingredients on your list.)
  • Shop what is in your kitchen first! Meal plan off things you need to use! I would love to have an empty kitchen at the end of the week and start fresh on shopping day but I have not mastered that! I also am a sucker for coupons and stock up on things...
  • Do you have a file full of recipes that never get used?? Scan that stuff in and file it in your board!
  • Do you hold on to appliance manuals for the recipes you never use?? Scan and pin!
  • Do you have stacks of magazines you keep for recipes you never get to making?? Spend some time tearing out the ones you want to try, put them on your fridge and IF they are repeat worthy google and pin the recipe directly from the magazine online. Meal subscription boxes with those nice recipe cards? SAME!

I hope this inspires you!!

